I’ve wanted to write this post for weeks but was waiting for the perfect time but then I realised there is no perfect time! While waiting… my pregnancy was moving along and since this will be my last, I want to enjoy every single moment of it! Yes, Vije and I decided we want 2 kids only and we always wanted them to be 3 years apart. Guess what?! We due September 2015. One month after Kitana turns 3. I’m 18 weeks pregnant and you can definitely see the bump even though many say my bump is quite small.
I’ve written a pregnancy diary so I can fill you in on how different this pregnancy is from my first.
On this post I will share my first 12 weeks, once I catch up to my current week I will be updating weekly on the blog. I can’t wait to share this very special journey with you and I hope you will enjoy reading about it.
Let’s start at the beginning…
December 2014 was the month Vije and I decided to stop the tablet (pill). We discussed having a second child before this and we both agreed that our kids should have around a 3 years age difference.
I was nervous but excited to leave the pill. I wasn’t sure how long it will take to fall pregnant again but I knew it will be an exciting journey. 😉
After I left the pill, I immediately started taking folic acid to prepare my body. In January 2015 when I missed my menstruation, I knew this could be it but I still found it hard to believe that I would get pregnant so fast because it took a while for Kitana. Even though I was super eager to take a test, I waited but on the 26th of January (2 days after missing my menstruation) I took a test.
Sitting and waiting for the results made my heart beat faster, I expected a negative but my heart really wanted a positive. After 15 seconds my result appeared and it was positive! I couldn’t believe it!!! With a big grin on my face, I sped to my room, jumped on my bed and woke Vije up screaming: “WE are Pregnant!”
He woke up and asked me if I was sure about this test?! He suggested we wait a little longer and get another test. I decided to buy the Clearblue test which gives a much more clear indication and on 27th January we got another positive!
We decided to keep it a secret until we visited the doctor. It was so hard hiding this big secret especially since I’m a terrible liar so I ended up telling my mom and cousin. I called my doctor’s office in December already making an appointment for a general check-up, little did I realise I will end up going for a pregnancy scan.
👶 8 weeks
My first doctors appointment was around 17th February. I’ve been counting down to this day ever since I found out I was pregnant! Sitting in the line, waiting to get checked made me excited but nervous. I kept wondering if everything was okay and prayed that my little bean would be healthy. The first scans are always the best ones but yet terrifying. You hoping to see a baby but sometimes not everyone gets the result they expecting. I’m blessed that both my first scans was exactly how I pictured it to be.
It reminded me of the time I first saw Kitana. A tiny jelly tot moving around, this time wasn’t any different except baby was little smaller since we went earlier than the first pregnancy. I couldn’t help but cry, pregnancy is such a beautiful journey and I was excited to start it all over again. I knew that from this day forward, everything would be different. I needed to change my lifestyle again and take precaution in whatever I would be doing.
👶 9 weeks
It’s starting to sink in that I’m pregnant again! I wish I could climb a mountain top and scream I’m pregnant but I can’t. We chatted to the doctor at our first appointment, he said everything was fine but we should wait until 12 weeks before we tell the rest of the family and friends. Waiting is killing me! I hated not being able to share something so exciting. My main pregnancy symptom now is exhaustion! It actually started before I even knew I was pregnant. All I want to do is sleep. It’s so hard to work or to do anything during the day. I’m yawning all the time and my brain can’t seem to function. I’m sleeping when I can but still wish I could sleep some more.

👶 10 weeks
Up until now I haven’t really felt nauseous. It seems like certain foods trigger nausea – especially my vitamins. It has been extremely hard to take vitamins because every time I to take them, I feel like throwing up. Right now the only thing that seem to work is to take them with mango, chilli powder and salt. My cousin made a container full so I can eat a little every day when taking my vitamins. My exhaustion isn’t getting any better. I’ve started to skip work events and family gatherings just because I feel like I can’t carry myself anywhere. Most days I’m in PJ’s trying to work. Thank God that I am a work from home mom!
I couldn’t hide it any longer and decided to tell some of my close friends. They were so excited and already started predicting the sex of the baby from my symptoms thus far. With my first pregnancy, I actually threw up. Thank God, it hasn’t come to that yet and I’m hoping it stays that way. Right now it just seems to be a toss-up – is feeling like throwing up worse than actually throwing up?
👶 11 weeks
The countdown to my second scan begins! It’s like the only thing I’m looking forward to right now. Honestly I just want to pass week 12 so we can stop worrying and start celebrating my pregnancy. I’ve heard of so many women who have had miscarriages and that freaks me out even more. I was never really bothered about this during my first pregnancy but now it seems, I am more aware of this. The second time around you have gained much more information and you are so much more clued up on what’s happening around you regarding pregnancy and motherhood. I downloaded a few pregnancy apps to track my pregnancy and my baby’s development.

👶 12 weeks
This morning I woke up with a smile, I made it! 12 weeks and we both fine. Even though I’m pleased to have passed the “safe” zone, I’m still nervous for my appointment next week. This is the important scan when the doctor tries to see if baby has any abnormalities. It’s been a hard 2 weeks for me because my vitamins are not staying down. I tried my best to take them but just couldn’t. Many moms have stressed to me how important vitamins is for baby’s growth but I want to hear from my doctor what he thinks about this. I forgot to mention that I’m still breastfeeding my 2-year old. Yes I know you thinking: “What?” Yes, it’s true. It’s been a tough journey trying to wean her off and I even shared stories on my blog. My cousin is worried because she says breastfeeding during pregnancy isn’t exactly the best but my gynae says it’s fine and I shouldn’t stress. Although I’m not stressing about it, there’s still that thought in the back of my head wondering if I should. School has helped cut down her intake but she still drinks at night since we still co-sleep sometimes. She does sleep in her toddler bed but to be honest, I love cuddling with her…
If you want me to blog something specific about my pregnancy, please let me know. 🙂
CONGRATS!!!!! Such awesome news!
Thank you so much Gina! Exciting journey ahead but I’m so nervous.
Yay yay yay congratulations guys
Thank you! 🙂 Did you not notice at the event? Hehe was still tiny then.
How exciting! (I also struggled with vitamins, but then I changed the ones that I took and immediately felt better)
I think I need to try another brand. At the moment, I’m not taking any! 🙁
Yay ! I’m super xcited for both of u and ur princess 😀 Congratulations U r blessed enjoy another journey of preggies !
Thank you so much! I’m looking forward to this incredible journey.
Congrats! I thought as much, but know that is never something you ask a person. 😉
Great photos! Love it!
Haha oh Karen, you such a polite person. Thanks for the well wishes.
Wooooooooow this is great❤
Thanks for the support. 🙂
Congratulations!!!! That is so exciting 🙂
I have two boys and they are 3 years and 13 days apart. It’s a great age difference!
Thanks Robin. Please tell me, they get along. Lol I’m so nervous.
Congrats 😀 I love your journey so far 🙂 I cannot wait for you to share the remaining months 🙂
Thanks for the support Sophia. You such a dedicated reader. I really appreciate it.
Wow congrats again 😀 what awesome news –
Thanks Alvina, Congrats to you too! Woohooo, it’s definitely baby season. 😉
Congratulations!! 🙂
I specifically want you to blog about everything! I LOVE following pregnancies. They are so exciting. Best of luck!
Congratulations! Having a child is such a blessing. I wish I could have another.
Congrats on the second kiddo! I hope everything continues to go well throughout the pregnancy. The reaction video at the top is hilarious and the shot of your daughter leaning on the baby bump is very cute 🙂
Congrats on your second pregnancy! It will be so much fun to follow along via your blog.
Congratulations! The most critical part of your vitamins is the folic acid and you can get that in a tablet on its own, small and way less likely to cause nausea, then you can just aim to get the rest of your vitamins through diet. All the best for the second half 🙂
Congrats! Very exciting! Perfect age gap too! So wonderful. Wishing you a smooth, happy pregnancy!
Congrats on being pregnant!! I can’t wait to hear more about your journey! Enjoy it!
Congratulations!! It’s such an exciting time! I love how you are taking it day by day and making note of all the ‘important’ moments!
Congratulations from all at Treehouse!
Congratulations! This is such a wonderful time 🙂
Congratulations!! I wish I could say enjoy the pregnancy, but I never enjoyed mine. I’m sure that once your little one is born and safe and sound in your arms you’ll be relieved and a very happy family! I wish nothing but the best and a healthy baby and Momma!
I can definitely see the bump. You luck great and a huge congrats to you and your family!
So exciting! Congrats to you both. what a great way to document your new arrival! I’m looking forward to your next update! Best of luck!
Congrats on your second pregnancy and for getting to the 12 week mark. I hope you have a great, healthy and beautiful 2nd experience! Good luck!
Congrats!! That’s so exciting. We are wanting to try for another one..crazy hugh!
Congratulations! This is so exciting and your little bump looks adorable. I can’t wait to share this journey with you. I hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy!
Congrats! So glad to see that you are doing well even though you had to wait.
Congrats to you! =) I love how you shared your journey so far in your pregnancy.
This is so exciting congrats to you and your family. I look forward to reading all about your pregnancy journey.
That is wonderful. Congratulations! I bet the little girl is so excited that she’s going to be a big sister soon. 🙂
Such a gorgeous family, and congratulations your pregnancy! Like you, it took awhile for me to get pregnant with my first. However, I got pregnant within no time at all with my second.
Congratulations to you! Just like you I have a very close friends who was waiting for her 12th week before she officially announced it to her network. It’s such amazing news! Congrats!
Well look at that! What an awesome announcement. Congrats on your pregnancy.
Omg Congrats gurlieeeee!!!!! This is super exciting news 🙂 I cannot wait for see pictures of the new peanut when he/she is born 🙂
Awww what a great news, congrtulations to your family for the new addition. Good luck on your pregnancy!
Congratulations! It’s always a great happiness if you have a second child coming. Prayers for you and your family.
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