This is a bittersweet post for me. I knew that this day would come but I don’t think that I truly grasped just how emotional it would make me.
Is it okay to be sad and grieve the end of having babies – or am I just overreacting here?
There comes a time in your journey when you realize that your pregnancy days are over and that the next phase of motherhood begins.
It hit me last night… These are my last days of mothering a newborn baby.

I am officially done with having babies and the only evidence that is engraved on me is my C-section scar – a scar that will always symbolize my journey of motherhood.
So why does this suddenly feel like such a hard transition?
It is what I wanted but it still aches knowing that I am done having babies.
Each time I pack away the clothing items of my kids, I choke up a little.
Will this ache linger for a long time?
I had experienced so many different emotions during my last pregnancy. There were days when I couldn’t wait to meet my baby but at times I also mourned my soon to be empty womb that will never experience pregnancy again.
Where did time go?
I feel as if I barely had time to breathe and now my eldest is 5-years-old already.
All I have now are memories to hold on to. Newborn outfits, hospital bracelets and lots of pictures in a memory box.
The moments that I had been waiting for just flew by… Because I was so caught up thinking about how to wean my toddler of the breast and how to get my baby to sleep through the night that I totally forgot about how this isn’t going to last forever.
Sometimes we need to stop and take a step back to enjoy the little moments.
Before the first crawl becomes the last…
Before the slobber kisses become embarrassing…
And before they don’t want you to tuck them in bed anymore.
In the next two months, my last born will start solids and the next phase of my mothering journey begins for the last time.
That last time… Sometimes we don’t even know when it happens.
Without even realizing it, we are packing away baby toys and co-sleepers.
Can you remember the “last time” that you rocked your baby to sleep?
One day you are changing your newborn baby’s first dirty diaper and then a few years later, you are changing your toddler’s last dirty diaper without even comprehending it.
Last night, my 2-year-old called out to me before he came to bed, cuddled, and fell asleep on my chest. He stood in the hallway and screamed out: “Mommy” … A word that made my heart beat a little faster with excitement.
He had always called me “momma” but last night was different. It was his big boy voice and his pronunciation was different.
It made me think back to the moment that I brought him home for the first time.
His tiny feet and fingers…
With the craziness of motherhood, those moments escaped just as quickly as they arrived. But this also made me think about how I still have a whole of lot of firsts to experience with my kids.
One chapter of motherhood is almost over for me but there’s another one that is about to begin, and then another when my daughter starts pre-school next year.
The first day of school… The first report card and much more!
I may be jumbled up with emotions right now but I am excited to see my kids grow and see their personality’s shine.
Each milestone gives us a memory to treasure and a lesson to learn.
I may be done having babies but I am not done growing in motherhood.
I guess that it’s true when they say that letting go is the hardest part …but until you let go of the pain of the past, you cannot grasp the beauty of the future…
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Copper scrap industry knowledge Copper poisoning is a rare but serious condition, which can affect people of any age group. However, certain populations are more susceptible to its harmful effects. Here are some of the groups that are at higher risk of copper poisoning: 1) Infants and young children: Babies who are fed with infant formula or milk that is prepared with copper-contaminated water can be exposed to high levels of copper. It can cause symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, and lethargy. 2) Patients with liver disease: The liver plays a crucial role in regulating copper levels in the body. People with liver damage or diseases like Wilson’s disease, autoimmune hepatitis, or cirrhosis are at risk of copper accumulation in the liver, leading to toxic levels. 3) Individuals with genetic disorders: Certain genetic disorders like Menkes disease, which affect copper metabolism, can cause copper poisoning. These disorders can result in neurological symptoms, cognitive impairment, and seizures. 4) Workers in copper-related industries: People who work in copper smelting, mining, or manufacturing plants are at risk of inhaling or ingesting copper particles, which can lead to accumulation and toxicity. 5) People with restrictive diets or malnutrition: Individuals who have diets lacking in nutrients like zinc, iron, and vitamin C can have a higher risk of copper toxicity. Since these nutrients act as cofactors for copper metabolism, their deficiency can lead to copper accumulation in the body. In conclusion, copper poisoning is a rare but potentially dangerous condition that can affect people from different backgrounds. Being aware of the risk factors and taking necessary precautions like avoiding contaminated water sources and following a balanced diet can help prevent its onset Efficient metal handling Copper logistics Copper scrap price trends Copper scrap traceability Copper scrap processing plant Metal scraps reclamation facility
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Copper scrap disposal Copper is a highly conductive metal that is commonly used in electrical wiring and circuits due to its low resistivity. However, when it comes to transmission lines, copper is not often the preferred choice due to a few reasons. First, copper is a relatively expensive material, which makes it cost-prohibitive for the large-scale infrastructure required for transmission lines. Aluminum is a more economical option that offers comparable electrical conductivity and strength. Secondly, copper is heavier than aluminum, which makes it more difficult to transport and handle. This can increase logistics costs and make installation and maintenance more challenging. Lastly, copper has a higher thermal expansion coefficient than aluminum. This means that copper wires and cables tend to expand and contract more significantly in response to temperature changes. In transmission lines, this can cause stress on the connectors and fittings, leading to failures over time. While copper may be the preferred choice for some smaller-scale electrical applications, aluminum is generally considered a better fit for large-scale transmission lines due to its price, light weight, and thermal expansion properties Metal reclamation and reutilization solutions Global Copper scrap market Copper scrap containers Copper scrap inventory forecasting Copper recycling compliance Metal recovery plant
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